• Culture,  Travel

    Vágar, the Faroe Islands

    Our scheduled Gasadalur hike was unfortunately cancelled due to high winds and rain, as the rocks were unprotected and would have been too slippery and dangerous. Luckily, the tour company suggested another hike in a (slightly) more sheltered area so we didn’t have to miss out. The new hike was absolutely beautiful with sweeping views across the cliffs and ocean. We ate our lunch perched on rocks overlooking the sea, before heading back to the start of the track where we had free hot drinks provided by the cafe to hikers. Today’s lecture was Vikings in America, presented by Sturla Ellinvag, an ever so handsome Norwegian who stars in a…

  • Culture,  Food,  Travel

    Eysturoy and Streymoy, the Faroe Islands

    Feeling only slightly jet-lagged after a great night’s sleep on a mattress that could be mistaken for a cloud, it was time to head out for our highlights of the Faroe Island tour. We travelled to the southwest corner of Stremoy to visit Kirkjubour, its 12th century Magnus Cathedral, Saint Olav’s Church and the Kirkjubøargarður  farmhouse. We had a Vicar of Dibley moment when the priest rushed past us waving to start his televised service, wearing his cassock and a ruffled collar that wouldn’t have looked out of place in the 1600s. It was then on to the villages of Saksun and Gjógv and a traditional Faroese lunch of of salmon,…

  • Culture,  Travel

    Tórshavn, the Faroe Islands

    38 hours, 3 flights and half a jar of Red Currant chocolate coated licorice later, we arrived in Torshavn in the Faroe Islands. The taxi ride into town was marked by emerald green grass, dramatic cliffs punctuated with deep cracks and sheep. Many, many sheep roaming free on the hills and alongside the roads. We checked in a hotel, 62N, as the ship wasn’t due to dock for around four hours after our arrival. We showered and freshened up and I left the girls to meet up with Gudrun, my friend Camilla’s aunt who lives in the Faroe Islands. We set off on foot together to explore the town and…